The library is under the direct patronage of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, being an academic library. Through its entire activity, the University Library is an integral part of the national higher education system and participates in the instruction, training and education process, as well as in the scientific research activity of the university.
The existence and development of the University Library is connected to the evolution, development and progress of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureş and of the Romanian medical education.
The Institute of Medicine, separated from the Bolyai University of Cluj, was established in Târgu Mureş, in 1945. In the beginning, this institution functioned as a department of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cluj, based in Târgu Mureş.
In 1948, the Faculty of Medicine of Târgu Mureş became an independent institute under the name of The Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute. In the same year, the Library moved from Cluj to Târgu Mureş.
In 2000, the first steps were taken towards computerisation, and in 2003, the first library software was put into operation.
In 2012, equipment for scanning and digitization of publications were purchased; the development of the Digital Library has become one of the Library’s priorities.
In 2018, after the merge of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the “Petru Maior” University, respectively of their libraries, a new university library with its current structure was set up.
The merge of the two library stocks resulted in the newly-created library, enriching its collection with approximately 177,000 bibliophile publications, the total stock now being over 340,000 publications, comprising a wide range of specialty documents: monographs, treatises, courses, practical courses, encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, doctoral dissertations, journals, newspapers, electronic documents.
The UMPhST Library is also remarkable due to its collection of journals:
- Revista de Medicină şi Farmacie (Acta Medica Marisiensis): 1955-2017;
- Orvosi hetilap: 1857-2015;
- Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises 1901-2010;
- American Journal of Cardiology: 1927-2013;
- American Journal of Physiology: 1941-2011;
- Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift: 1942-2009;
- Clujul Medical 1942-2017;
- Presse Medicale: 1944-2009;
- Journal of the American Medical Association: 1946-2009;
- Archives de Pediatrie: 1949-2009;
- Journal of Urology 1948-2013;
- Nature 1948-2015;
- British Dental Journal: 1951-2013;
- Science 1951-2015;
- Revista de Chimie 1952-2015;
- Chirurgia 1952-2015;
- Arzneimittel Forschung: 1952-2010;
- Biblioteca 1953-2015;
- Revista Română de Pediatrie: 1953-2014;
- Die Pharmazie: 1954-2009;
- Farmacia: 1955-2015;
- Obstetrică şi Ginecologie: 1956-2015;
- Revue du Praticien: 1956-2009;
- Dermatovenerologia: 1956-2015;
- Revista Română de Otorinolaringologie: 1957-2012;
- Gyógyszerészet: 1959-2018
The collections of our library are also enhanced by works of great value, printed in the 16th and 18th centuries:
- Laurentio Phrisio, Epitome opusculi de curandis pustulis, Basileae – 1532;
- Cristophoro Heyll, Hoc in volumine haec continentur Artificialis medicatio, constans paraphrasi in Galeni Librum de Artis Medicae Constitutione, Mogunst, 1534;
- Arnoldi Novicomensis; Curionem Ioannem, De conservanda bona valetudine, opusculum scholae Salernitanae, ad regem Angliae, Germanicis Rhytmis illustratum, Frankfurt, 1557;
- Giulio Cesare Casseri, Nova Anatomia, Frankfurt, 1622;
- Anton Nuck, Operationes et Experimenta Chirurgica, Lugduni Batavorum, 1696;
- Weszprémi István, Succincta Medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae Biographia, Lipsiae, 1774.
Subsequently to the merge of the two libraries and their book collections more than 4,000 publications from the 18th-19th centuries and the first half of the 20th century were added to the pre-existing collection of old books. As an illustrative title, we can mention “Le spectacles des beaux arts au considerations toutes leur nature, leurs regles principales”, authored by M. Lacombe, Paris.
The UMPhST Library owns a Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy, which hosts valuable bibliophiles, medical instruments and pharmaceutical objects.
The Library of G.E. Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures continues to develop and modernize its activities and services to support the process of education, research and medical practice.